Carolyn D.

This incubator campaign was for the TLC-40 Eco Baby Warm Extra model

$475 of $475 raised

Carolyn's daughter was working at a local wildlife rehabilitation center and came home with 3 tiny ducklings. The center's success rate with ducklings was poor and they wondered if Carolyn, a former Operating Room Nurse, might give it a try. Two years later she was up to 75 tiny balls of fluff... Mallards, Wood Ducks and Common Mergansers. She became licensed and along with her Co-Director, Deborah, opened her own rehab center and chose to specialize in Species at Risk birds. This particular group of birds responds best to individualized care and they accomplish this with a small team of dedicated volunteers. When Carolyn's hands aren't full of birds in need, she's also involved with a group that supports the critically endangered Mountain Gorilla: Seeing the Gorillas in their native habitat in Rwanda and spending and evening in London Ontario with Dr. Jane Goodall are memories she'll never forget.