Cynthia D.

This incubator campaign was for the TLC-40 Eco Baby Warm Extra model

$475 of $475 raised

Cynthia's first experience working up close with wild animals was volunteering at a zoo and then soon after, a wildlife organization. She spent 14 years studying wildlife rehabilitation then moved to Washington state 20 years ago and started her own non-profit. Cynthia helps birds of all kinds - birds of prey, seabirds, songbirds - in addition to participating in wildlife education and mentoring programs. She's fortunate to have the assistance of her husband, a retired police officer after 42 years on the job. They met while Cynthia was working as a police dispatcher, and their son will graduate from the Seattle Police Academy this July. Whether protecting humans or protecting wildlife, this is a family dedicated to serving the community in so many ways.