
This incubator campaign was for the Petiatric model

$475 of $475 raised

Danielle has always loved animals and wanted to feel like she was making a difference in the world. Like many wildlife rehabbers, she works a full time job in addition to her volunteer work rescuing and rehabilitating animals. Each year she rescues more than 70 orphaned baby possums and also cares for injured turtles, some of whom lay eggs after Danielle has taken them in for care. It breaks her heart when she can’t save the baby turtles for the recovering mom – an incubator would help her do that. She would also use the incubator to save the lives of the tiniest orphaned baby possums who need the constant heat to survive. Although Danielle specializes in opossums and turtles, she also takes in raccoons, cottontails, beaver, and other species who need her help.