
This incubator campaign was for the Petiatric model

$475 of $475 raised

Janet has been a wildlife rehabber for 9 years and she’s also on a mission to teach people about co-existing with rather than harming wildlife. Never has that mission been put more to the test than when a recent law change prevented Alabama rehabbers from caring for many of the animals rehabbers like Janet devote their lives to. Alabama rehabbers joined together and fought countless hours to have the decision reversed – and they were successful! Janet’s group takes care of about 125 baby squirrels, opossums, foxes, raccoons, deer, rabbits and skunks each year. The incubator will be used for the neonates who are not able to thermoregulate.

As more funds were raised than are needed for the incubator, we are going to roll that extra into the incubator fund for the next North Alabama rehabber that is line to go up on the site very soon.  They've worked so hard to get the word out!