Samantha C.

This incubator campaign was for the TLC-40 Eco Baby Warm Extra model

$475 of $475 raised

As a child, Samantha loved animals so much that her mom and dad set her up to volunteer at a vet's office from the ages of 9 to 14. They fostered orphaned baby possums and an orphaned baby squirrel, raising them until they could return to the wild. Fast forward 20 years or so. Samantha was at work when a squirrel was electrocuted by a power line, leaving a nest of babies without a mom. Samantha took the babies to a wildlife rehabber who needed help and was willing to train Samantha. She taught her everything she needed to know in order to rehabilitate orphaned baby squirrels and fawns and Samantha has been doing it ever since. She says she just loves taking care of the babies and is so excited for the possibility of receiving an incubator to help save the lives of the little critters.