Jenni T.

This incubator campaign was for the TLC-40 Eco Baby Warm Extra model

$475 of $475 raised

Jenni has always been an animal lover and protector. Some of her earliest play memories are surrounding herself with stuffed animals and pretending she lived in the forest, protecting the animals from villains and predators. As she grew up, she became especially fascinated by bats and learned a lot about them, taking a rehabilitation class through Bat World Sanctuary and becoming a member of Bat Conservation International. Bat World connected Jenni with Southern Wildlife Rehab, with whom she have been sub-permitted for 2 years. Now, she's striking out on her own under the name Sticks and Stones Rescue and plans to specialize primarily in bats but also take in some small mammal and reptile species. After serving in the Air Force for six years, Jenni is also using her GI Bill to go to school, studying Linguistics and Environmental Science. She hopes to use these two different skills to investigate the overlap with animal cognition and communication, and contribute to these fields in a meaningful, lasting way.